The Climb Up the Ladder,

The Climb up the ladder, a lot of people in the fire service plan and work for it, others are content with where they are. I believe some climb up the ladder by accident, they didn’t intend too, it just happened. I work in a smaller department and I always knew that I’d like to advance, I always thought I would one day be a Lieutenant. In my department a Lieutenant is a working officer, you still get to fight fire and be in the trenches, that was my plan for the climb up the ladder. I made that goal, and was even promoted to Captain which in our department is a shift commander. I loved that position and was content to stay there until retirement. We’ll only God knows the plans he has for you, and he had others for me. Recently our department had an opening for Assistant Chief, after long deliberation, talking with my family, discussions with a lot of the men and women I work with and of course a lot of praying I decided to apply. I got that position and my career in the fire service changed forever.

In the new position I deal with a lot of things that I didn’t while I worked on shift. Now I deal with personnel issues, all things that concern money, the budget has to stay in line. Equipment breakdowns, training and much more. Although I spend a lot of time in the office now it is really nice to get to interact with all three shift, instead of just one. The climb up the ladder also created something else I never anticipated, working eight hours a day. I have worked 24 hours on and 48 hours off for the majority of my adult life, that has been the hardest to get adjusted too.

I guess I am saying that, the climb up the ladder is different for everyone. Some are content with where they are, others a few rungs up is satisfying. Then there are those, who like me, never dreamed they could climb that high. As you climb the ladder, enjoy each rung on the way up, each one has an awesome and unique view.

Until next time,

Captain K

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