Men of Fire……………

men of fire

You are sitting around the kitchen table, solving the world’s problems. The day has been slow, it happens from time to time. The tones go off, one station, then two. You get to the engine and begin putting on your turnouts when you here the third stations tones go off. Dispatch gives the information, it’s in the industrial area and it sounds big. This is what we do, we are “Men of Fire”.

When you arrive on scene you see fire…..a lot of fire. Employees in the parking lot are telling you there was some type of explosion and that some of the workers didn’t make it out. You and your crew head in, this is the type of building you can easily get lost in and you know it. The further you go in the worse the visibility gets, you see other crews helping victims outs. Then you find it, the dragon. There was an explosion in a furnace area and it is consuming the building. You and your crew set to work, battling the blaze, other crews finally show up to help with the fight. After what seems like forever the fire is contained, you look around and all are accounted for. Each man on your crew is beat, but the battle is won. No one is hurt. The adrenaline in your body begins to subside and you realize just how much you love this job and the men you do it with.

The process of loading everything back onto the trucks begin, your tired, wet and hungry but you have to have the rig ready for the next call. Then the tones drop, another call on the other side of town. As you pull yourself onto the engine you realize. You and your crew are “Men of Fire” and you couldn’t dream of doing anything else.

Check out Fire and Axes “Men of Fire” Tee. It embodies what we do and what we love.

men of fire shirt

Until next time,

Captain K