The Devil

Who is the Devil? In cartoons and comics he’s a cute little character sitting on your shoulder, pushing you to do something fun or wrong. Usually followed by the excuse “the devil made me do it”. He is anything but cute.

He is the keeper of hell. The inferno, an inferno that none of us can really comprehend. I do believe that we as firefighters view him as an adversary, an enemy. We have seen the ravages of fire, the inferno out of control. We’ve not only seen it, we have fought it and won, and sometimes lost. But with any battle we continue with an attitude that failure is not an option.

He is our enemy, he carries the mark of “666”. Those numbers, just like the Devil are evil. We fight what most people fear, fire or in a lot of cases the Devil, in a physical sense. Why do we do it? Well I don’t think any of us that do it know why. Maybe for the rush of adrenaline. Maybe it’s just a challenge, something to conquer. Or maybe, it’s something instilled in us by our maker. Something embedded in our DNA. Something in us makes us want to fight with and defeat the Devil.

Fire and Axes has created not only a coin, but now a shirt design that embodies this. The “Squad 666” design. Squad 666 are the ones sent to kill the Devil and his inferno. “Failure is Not an Option.” If your the type that fights with the Devil, loves the fire service and all that goes with it. Understands that the Devil must be controlled, maybe your are ready for Squad 666. If so……..check it out below.

Check out our design at or through the link below.


Until next time, stay safe,

Captain K