Men of Fire 911 Squad Womens Firefighter Shirts, Made in America. Designed for the fire eaters. The ones that run straight into he heart of the fire and tear it out. They hurt it. They kill the fire. The crew with hoses, axes and the fiery dedication to kill Father Fire is what they are all about. They go in as a crew and they come out as a crew. Mission accomplished. Men of Fire 911 Squad Womens Firefighter Shirts. Made in America.
Fire runs from the 911 Squad. This Men of Fire 911 Squad Womens Firefighter Shirts illustrates the stare of the fireman into the eyes of the fire, with crossed axes and the all too familiar Maltese cross with Courage, Honor and Rescue inscribed on this cross of dedication! May the winds be at your back!
This Men of Fire 911 Squad Womens Firefighter Shirt design is for all of those on the front line. The smoke eaters who want nothing more than to do there job. For those men and women who reward is doing a job they love doing. This is a design for those who do this for a living and do it for free, because there community needs them.
100% Made in America. Support what we protect.
100% cotton shirts
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