Size Matters Firefighter Shirt, in the world of firefighting it does come down to having the right tool for the job. Whether it’s the axe, hose or even the amount of pressure you need to send that stream of water at the fire! People do get stranded in burning building and they don’t always live on the first floor. This means you have got to have a ladder that can reach them and bring them to safety. So when the fire is at the door and you need to reach the higher elevations you had better have the right sized ladder and track because in the world of fighting fire Size Does Matter! The Size Matters Firefighter Shirt.
The Size Matters Firefighter Shirt is 100% Made in America. What do we mean when we say Made in America? We mean it is printed on a shirt made right here in America. Printed at our shop in Florida and delivered by the United States Postal Service.
We at Fire and Axes support American Made Products in any instance that we can. We believe in this country, we believe in the hard working American workers that make all these products right here at home. Support What We Protect… American anytime you can. The Size Matters Firefighter Shirt , as American as the firefighter wearing it.
100% cotton shirts
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